Hooking up with monochrome weekend and Hey Harriet. Have a good one.:)http://blackandwhiteweekend.blogspot.com/. http://heyharriet.blogspot.com/.
We've had some crazy weather around here lately. A tornado touched down a few days ago, upending large trees and knocking down power lines. Pretty unlikely for around here. Me and the kids were huddled in our messy, dusty, unfinished basement for about twenty minutes. Gabriel told me he loved me as we sat crouched in a blanket trying to listen for the sound of falling trees hitting our new swimming pool and deck. Luckily we were not in the path, but on a friend's street, tree after large tree fell in the small cluttered neighborhood. Miraculously, no one in town was injured. :)
I took these photos last weekend when a thunderstorm blew by, missing us. The sky was swirling madly and could not be ignored. Check our skies everywhere at: http://skyley.blogspot.com.