It is my intention to post photographs that I would like to share. I welcome feedback from anyone willing to follow along. Just double click on any photo to enlarge.
It is my intention to post photographs that I would like to share. I welcome feedback from anyone willing to follow along. Just double click on any photo to enlarge.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Sunday, February 26, 2012
We have a grocery store in town that occasionally has flowers for a discounted price. I have been hitting the jack-pot there all week. Runuculus and snap dragons for $1.00 a bunch! Are you kidding me? I picked some up and brought them to my grandmother this morning on my way home from working out. She seemed very pleased, but overall sad. She told/asked me if she could get out of the nursing home and go back to her old place which was assisted living. She didn't like it there, and begged to go to a nursing home. She continues to thrive and simultaneously hate her existence. My grandmother is depressed, physically healthy, and stuck. Stuck in a nursing home, stuck in this realm and only beginning, at 94 to lose her mind. I think that sometimes mindlessness may not be such a bad thing. It is so sad. Sad, sad, sad. I tried to set her up a little schedule for the day. Recently she has given up reading, something she has loved her whole long life. We picked out a book for her to start, I got her an xanaxx from the nurse and then I wrote down the time and channel of the Oscar's Red Carpet show for her to watch in the eve. Hopefully she will.
http://lisaschaos.com/snails-and-snow-macro-monday/ I am joining in with Lisa and friends for Macro Monday. Enjoy!
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Friday, February 24, 2012
Just Three Words
My daughter is filling out scholarship applications. She asked me and her littler brothers three words to describe her. We decided that Aubrie is kind, and friendly, and intelligent and caring and tolerant........ She is tolerant for sure. When your Mom asks you to go pose for a photo in the bathroom behind the new curtain she just put up; and your able to do this and keep a straight face, that's tolerance. She certainly has the ability to remain calm when those around her are losing their minds( I think that may be a Rudyard Kipling para phrase)or at least acting mindless, which is how I could describe the chaos in our home at any given moment. Presently she sits quietly on the couch, lost in the family kindle (a PTO raffle win!) She is reading her third book of this February vacation week. Her youngest brothers run through the house hurling physical and mental insults at each other, one fending off a bloody nose from a recent pillow fight. She sits, lost in the bliss of a really good book. Good for you honey! I hug her a lot lately, already missing her and wondering what it will be like when she is away at college and I am home with three boys and a husband.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Monday, February 20, 2012
Friday, February 17, 2012
The Boxer
In a clearing stands a boxer
and a fighter by his trade
and he carries the reminders
of every glove that laid him
down and cut him till he cried out in his
anger and his shame "I am leaving, I am leaving"
but the fighter still remains...
Rest in Peace
Grampy Dyer
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Before and After
I have been working diligently along with a friend. We are starting a business re-styling older pieces of furniture. This was one of our first pieces, purchased at the Salvation Army in town that is sadly closing soon. I think we paid only $4.00! A can of spray paint later and then a little distressing and a dark wax, a long with a re-purposed Target shower curtain, this is our result. A little funky, a little girly maybe, and little whimsical. We are hoping to sell some furniture soon, but so far are really enjoying the creative process.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Monday, February 13, 2012
The Picnik is Over
Picnik is leaving! My favorite, nearly free editing spot will cease to exist in April. This makes me so sad. I need to find a replacement soon. Any suggestions??
http://pullingmymaskoff.blogspot.com/ linking some place new :)
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Friday, February 10, 2012
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Wordless Wednesday Primp
I painted one of these old silver plated trays with chalk paint recently. It got me thinking that it would make a pretty frame as well. I am always looking for different ways to display my photography. I am going to lean it someplace or maybe attach a hook to the back and hang it. I will probably spray it with a clear acrylic too, as Modpodge(my fav)is not water proof. It was so easy to do, and you can find these trays for just a few dollars at Goodwill or the like.
Happy WW!

Sunday, February 5, 2012
Friday, February 3, 2012
All My Pears in a Row
I am posting this quickly as I need to finish cooking Gabe his griddle cake and then quickly do a little clean up and get dressed. I just called up to him for the second time and his sleepy morning voice called down " I thought I was up!" He's still cute and prone to innocence, even at almost 11. I am going to check out a consignment shop where we might be selling our restyled furniture! This has been taking a lot of my time and energy, but it has been so fun. Soon I will post a few before and after pictures. :) I am missing my photography though and am waiting for warmer weather to do some outside photo shoots. I am also so sad about Picnik, my favorite editing sight. They are shutting down in April! So sad. :(

Hosted by Cecily and Lolli
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
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