I have to confess that I did not take these photos although I did lend my editing talents. ( Am taking a photoshop class soon to figure out what I really should be doing) These photos are a
collaborative effort. My husband and 14 year old son were lucky enough to be the recipients of free Red
Sox tickets; nice low seats right on the first base line. They along with two friends attended this game last week on a school day, against our better judgement. These tickets are pricey so to have such great seats just fall in your lap when you are an avid Red
Sox fan it is almost unethical to turn them down. Gabe( 9 years old) cried when he was not chosen to attend, a big fan himself who has yet to see a game live. My teen assured us he had "nothing" going on in school that day. I mean, why would they be doing anything of importance at a school? He is an extra smart boy that refuses to try too hard. His grades are often in that precarious spot between wow, he's doing well and OMG,he may actually flunk that class. Sure enough he missed a quiz that day in one class and has yet to make up all assignments in the other classes he missed. When will we ever learn? ? I could think of 5 other reasons he didn't deserve to attend and his little brother did. Additionally, my husband on his own grabbed the point and shoot camera on his way out the door. I was pleased when I realized this. He did take this great sky shot as well as many close ups of the game, but not one of him, or his son, or their friends who were attending their first Sox game together and had skipped school and work that day to attend!!?? Not one! But, he did manage to spot and photograph Doug
Flutie sitting a few rows ahead.
LOL. I wonder how he got those great seats.
You can check out many skies around the world and see who else has been playing hookey, photographing the sky at:
Happy Friday.