It is my intention to post photographs that I would like to share. I welcome feedback from anyone willing to follow along. Just double click on any photo to enlarge.
It is my intention to post photographs that I would like to share. I welcome feedback from anyone willing to follow along. Just double click on any photo to enlarge.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
I Heart Faces
Monday, June 27, 2011
Mellow Yellow Mosaic for Monday

This morn I am linking up with Mary at http://dearlittleredhouse.blogspot.com/
and mellowyellowmonday.blogspot.com.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Flowers on Saturday
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Before and After

With a little work in Picnik, I was able to soften the whole picture, brighten his eyes, turn it black and white and then add some warm tones in. Hopefully it looks like I intentionally was going for a soft effect. But now I love this photograph.
My ten year old baby boy. Just finishing up the fourth grade and his first season of major league baseball which he told his Dad "where the best two months of his life".
I am linking with pixel perfect blog hop today to check out all the happily ever "Before and Afters". You can too. http://www.pixelperfectblog.com/.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Movie Review of Super 8

Next on my list to view is "Crazy, Stupid, Love" with Steve Carell. Will be leaving the younger viewers home for that one.
Happy Wednesday.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Let's Hear it for the Boys! I Heart Faces

This is my son Donovan on the right and his best buddy and next door neighbor for the past 12 years. I told them to jump so I could capture them in flight and they were happy to participate. Why their mouths opened every time they took flight, I am not sure. I took three like this and they were wide open in each.
Boys are hardly ever quiet.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Mosaic for Monday

Saturday, June 18, 2011
Saturday and Sunny

Gabe invited his buddy from down the street over for a swim first thing this morning. These two get a long great and are very similar in personality and overall cuteness I must say. His friend does not attend the same public school that my son does, but a magnet school about half and hour away. Needless to say they both have many other unshared friends which is kind of nice for many reasons. Bryce is turning ten soon and was planning his party out loud as he splashed in our pool, and then draped his skinny, not yet tanned little body over a raft. He listed about eight different boys and then finally said, "Oh, and you Gabe, your invited too." But then he quickly followed it up with "Do you have anyone else you might know that you would like me to invite?" " I don't want you hanging around with me for the whole party; for a little while is okay, but I don't want to have to talk to you the whole time."
I thought it was hysterical. Only a ten year old boy could be so honest . And only another ten year old could take it with out offense. Gabe looked at me and rolled his eyes, recognizing the insult and then continued on with his fun.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Skywatch Friday

Happy Friday everyone out there. Enjoy the weekend! We are going to the movies tonight to see Super 8. Can't wait.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
On a Stump

I found this really cool effect on my Canon Powershot point and shoot camera. It is called miniature. It blurs out sections of the photo supposedly giving a "miniature" effect to what is in focus. I just like the way it kind of warps things and makes the photo look old and dream like. Very cool.
Wordless Wednesday and I'm on my count down until I have four kids home for the Summer. Let the fun begin!! I'm just hoping for civility and maybe a little kindness thrown in. We have quite a bit going on with day camp for some, college visits for others, soccer practices, family vacations and hopefully just some down time.
Enjoy the rest of your week. :)
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Lone Leaf
Monday, June 13, 2011
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Sunless Saturday

I am posting two photos today, one for black and white weekend and one for Flowers on Saturday. It has been raining steadily all morn. Not torrential, but a nice calm methodical pitter patter. (such a silly phrase). My husband has gone back to bed after attempting an early morning then cancelled baseball practice and plunking down a dozen dunkin donuts on our cluttered kitchen island. My boys are fighting up a storm. An electrical storm, nearly. It is frustrating and annoying to witness, and nearly impossible to referee as it is never any one's fault and usually everyone is to blame. My poor middle son always seems to take the brunt of the abuse, rarely physical yet often heart wrenching as my oldest and youngest boys join forces against him. Last weekend he threatened to move out. When I called Gabe in and told him what is brother was thinking of doing his eyes filled with tears and he begged him to stay. Donovan didn't want any part of his heart felt apology at this point, but it did make me feel a little better. All was well for about half and hour and then I heard the faint sound of thunder rumbling in the distance. I am trying not to imagine a Summer filled with this drama. Maybe I'll be the one to move out. :)
Friday, June 10, 2011
Skywatch Friday

You can check it out at: http://skyley.blogspot.com. Enjoy. Gabe is a literal skywatcher, always scanning the sky or Internet weather sites for storms. Here he is waiting for his school bus and scanning the skies for signs of inclement weather. He is petrified of wacky weather and unfortunately I can no longer scoff at his fears. First thing in the morning when I turn on The Today Show I need to quickly jump for the remote and mute our little kitchen TV, depending on what tragic weather conditions there are around the country. In my early morning grogginess, which is intense, I need to make a split second decision and decide if my ten year old can handle what jolly Al Roker has to report on "our neck of the wood", and habitats far away. Tornadoes are a very rare occurrence where we live. But that is no longer a true statement. Last Summer one crashed through our town upending trees, and last week less than an hours drive away a major one crash landed on the CT/MA border. With yesterdays big electrical storm that lingered for several hours and took out our power, Gabe was begging for us all to take cover in the basement. My heart breaks for him, as he worries daily about his safety; and especially for all the little kids who have been tragically effected by this turbulent storm season.:( Wake up you Republican politicians who refuse to believe that Global Warming exists! Maybe they need to try a little skywatching.
You can do your own skywatching at: www.skyley.blogspot.com.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
I Heart Faces Photo Challenge

"From a distance you look like my friend" :)
Monday, June 6, 2011
Eye luv

Anyways, today is macro Monday. I took this yesterday with my Canon powershot, and edited just a little in picnik. Why would a ten year old have blood shot eyes? Love the lashes though.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Wordless Wednesday
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