Help! I feel like I am stuck in the movie Groundhog Day. We are on day 5 of no power! Finally after braving it out and being optimistic that there will soon be light, we have borrowed a battered old generator. And, it is better. We have
internet, t.v. and a few dim lights. Things are looking up finally. Today was an all time low when I dragged several loads of laundry a short ride to the next town over, to my sister in laws. Their power has been back for two days now . (I am starting to secretly despise friends and family who have electricity.) I spent nearly four hours only to end up with two large loads of wet clean clothes. Their dryer sucks!! Silly me thinking I could somehow get a jump on the 12 plus loads I am behind. And that does not include snow pants and muddy jackets including the set of snow gear Donovan melted by the fireplace. I can honestly say this is the longest week of my life. I took these photos on Saturday as the snow began to fall in what would amount to a foot of snow in a
feakish unprecedented early snow storm. I would swear it was two weeks ago.