It is my intention to post photographs that I would like to share. I welcome feedback from anyone willing to follow along. Just double click on any photo to enlarge.
It is my intention to post photographs that I would like to share. I welcome feedback from anyone willing to follow along. Just double click on any photo to enlarge.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Rainy Days and Daffodils

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Pretty Green

Monday, March 29, 2010
Mosaic, Macro Monday

Sunday, March 28, 2010
Mellow Yellow Monday

Saturday, March 27, 2010
Monochrome Weekend

I took this photo a few days ago, just off the beaten path, literally. It may look like I was way out in the wilderness, but not really. I am always on the look out for interesting scenery, someplace to rest my eyes that is not familiar and bland. I think I was distracted by the rusty swampy water contrasted with the bright green clumps of new grass growing like little islands. I checked my rear view mirror twice and carefully pulled the minivan over. I grabbed my little point and shoot digital, set on auto. This could not be a drive by shot. I would need to get out for this one. After uploading the photos I saw all the interesting reflections the trees were making in the murky water. Today I decided to turn it black and white and see what else emerged. Wow. I really like the vertical zebra-like stripes of the reflections; cool, interesting and jungle like.
You can check out what others are posting in monochrome at:http://monochromeweekendtheme.blogspot.com/. I just took a quick look myself and I am speechless. La la lovely. Happy weekend.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Sky Watch Friday
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Macro Monday

Look what I got at Walgreens for $8.99! At Walgreens? Who knew. It is so tiny and lovely and perfect for a macro photograph. La la love it.
Go to http://lisaschaos.blogspot.com. for more lovely photos. Enjoy.
Mosaic of Life

Sunday, March 21, 2010
Shadow Shot for Sunday

Yay for sun!
kids outdoors, and in and out and in ,
a clean garage,
water fights,
real forsythia blooms, not forced,
5th's is fading fast,
and balls on the roof.
Strong shadows everywhere.
Go to http://heyharriet.blogspot.com and check out all the shadow shots.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Pleading with Fifths

Why do you call yourself a disease when you are just a virus? It makes you sound deadly when your really just annoying and uncomfortable but pretty harmless. Why is this itchy rash, that now covers my arms, legs, torso and cheeks lasting so long and getting worse, especially at night when I need my sleep and my Mom does too. Also, why does allergy medicine seem to make me hyper when most kids get sleepy from Benadryl? I didn't get to sleep until 4:ooam! Sure hope the Zyrtec works better. So far though I am more hyper than ever, running on only four hours of sleep, but bouncing and zinging my new kick ball off the walls and ceiling, much to my Mother's delight. FYI: I am naturally an itchy person so you are the perfect storm of a disease for me. Also, does an oatmeal bath really have alot of oatmeal in it? Will I swim in the oatmeal? What if my cheeks are still red tomorrow will I go to school? Will my Dad take his third(unprecedented) family sick day and pick me up from school early? I like that!! :) Finally, do you call yourself Fifth's Disease, because on the fifth day you get better? Mom will like that!!
Love, My 8 year old itchy self
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Red Delicious Monchrome

. Regards!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Skywatch Friday

This was taken from my front stoop a few weeks back. If you look closely you can see Summer off in the far distance. :)
Today I am off to buy new razor scooters for my boys. They need more "fun" in their lives so I've been told. I think we all have Spring fever. My 11 year old keeps rollerskating down steep inclines. His arms flailing wildly, dodging on-coming traffic, trying to keep up with his buddy on a motorized scooter and impress the neighborhood girls. We live in a hilly area, and impulsive and not the most coordinated child this is causing me stress. I am thinking of having a t-shirt printed up with "wear your helmet!" silk screened across the front and back. I've said it about 50 times this week.
You can check out skies across the world at: http:skyley. blogspot.com.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Here Comes the Sun.....do do do doo

I've been feeling a little off lately, maybe even a little "imbalanced". Examples: not nearly patient enough, not getting along well with off spring, feeling sorry for myself with no good reason, annoyed with self over this, distracted easily, in need of a back rub, overwhelmed by the mess and clutter of life in this house. Could be a woman thing but I'm going with lack of vitamin D. I just need more sunshine. Yesterday was lovely weather, warmer breezes and lots of sun, finally. I painted my goddaughter's little toenails bright pink, her choice, on our front steps and we shared a chocolate bar. Bliss. Today I found runnuculus in the grocery store for $1 a bunch! I love these funky flowers. I'm feeling warmer already.

Friday, March 5, 2010
Sky Watch Friday

Monday, March 1, 2010
Mosaic Monday

Here's to many more lovely mosaics and days ahead.
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