Today is the last day of Summer, hard to believe. Here in the northeast it was here and gone too quickly. I would feel cheated if we had not decided to take two vacations and a long weekend with friends. As soon as school was out we spent a week in Florida, just us, and then a week in July with my brother and family in Maryland, and then in August a few days in upstate New York with good friends. They were great vacations with memories I will cherish and that will hopefully resonate with my kids for years to come. With two of my children in highschool the years are beginning to whip by. If I could only slow the ride down. I want my eight year old to stay eight for awhile. Add in the fact that I attended my 25th highschool reunion this weekend and you feel like your life is at times on fast forward. It was surreal to feel as if those highschool days were only yesterday, but knowing that my children were now in that era of their lives. Weird. Life is in some ways easier, but busier, more challenging and fleeting. Where have my babies gone? And where has Summer gone?

Thanks Mary at Little Red House for your mosaic inspirations.